Hello, when trying to send emails via SSL (pop3 995 and smtp 465 or 587) I got this error: --- start --- the server you are connecting to is using...
Thank you all for help. :) Postfix version is 3.3.0 (Ubuntu 18.04)
Steini86, good tip. I did get a similar advice on another forum = to disable that line in master.cf. After that postfix started.
Hello, I was renaming mail_access table in dbispconfig database to mail_accessBAK and then back and from that moment I cannot start postfix (port...
in main.cf: smtpd_restriction_classes = greylisting greylisting = check_policy_service inet: is it ok? I do want to have a...
Hello Taleman, yes, it regards that certain user on that domain. :)
Hello, in Mailbox I have: Enable greylisting: empty but in mail.log I am still receiving...
Hello, I have several coplaints regarding bounced senders emails. mail.log: "Sender address triggers FILTER amavis ..." and some good emails to my...
It was the password problem. I reset it via cli and it is fine now.
● mysql.service - LSB: Start and stop the mysql database server daemon Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/mysql; bad; vendor preset: enabled)...
see attached star is in directory, in log nginx is looking for normal file name without the star ...
Separate names with a comma.