Can someone make a howto on this.
How can I setup iptables/shorewall on 2 NICs running DRBD and Heartbeat. I have followed Perfect Setup for NFS High Availabilty Server and...
can someone extend this tutorial, I mean by adding email to fax and fax to email capabilities.
I think I'm almost done, I did this with QMAIL. I just need to unmirror the queue directory.
come on everyone, start working on it. :D
Hi Everyone, Our mail server died for several hours due to a hardware failure, we dont have any extra parts laying around so we have to order...
Debian Sarge power down by itself. I'm 100% sure it's not the hardware. I'm new to Linux. I followed the debian sarge perfect setup without...
how can I configure postfix to forward/redirect all incoming emails to another mail server (
Separate names with a comma.