Got it to work Falko! The last command you gave me would stall postfix, and never send the messages. But I edited the security for the...
I get nothing back from the blacklist checker. Here is the output you requested. Can't thank you enough Falko!
Yes I do have ispconfig. I added this to destinations: /etc/postfix/local-host-names Which now has allowed to receive mail, using the file...
Here is the latest maillog. I believe they are the same errors still.
Did it but it didn't work. The file was not there, but it created it. Still lost here. Thanks
sorry here is the file
Here is the latest log: When I send from a local mail user to another local mail user, it bounces?
Now I'm encountering this problem when I send from gmail: Technical details of permanent failure: PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 13): 554...
Here is the maillog. I did setup MX record when creating the sites. I have created the MX record also on goddady from which I purchase all of my...
Centos 5, Dovecot + postfix installation not receiving any mail. I've been killing myself looking for a possible solution, but can't find any on...
checked the service and 2, 3, and 5, are set to on, on all of them. Thanks Falko
Ye I can access i through the main site, but It automatically adds, this is because it has the vhost plugin.
After some more searching, found a plugin vhost already installed with the package from ispconfig. This made the be entered in the...
Got postfix working! I had to redo the file /etc/postfix/ Instead of entering all of the paramaters throught the command line, I copied...
Separate names with a comma.