Thanks, I did place a "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(well-known) [NC]" in the htaccess. Hope the 301 redirection will be cleaned soon on...
Hello, I am having this error since a while in acme.log. I tryied to dig it but did not founf how to solve it. Invalid response from http...
Hello I think I finally did solve it. Issue was probably in the Cron email to root even if I could not identify were was the wrong setup. I did :...
Thanks, I did found the entry below in mail.log, but I cannot identify from what process it is coming from ? How to identify what parameters is...
Hello, I have from time to time emails sent out by root, but routed to wrong email adresss. example : "[email protected]" in spite of...
Thanks for your contued support. In fact it cannot work. Because the customlog directive cannot be moved in "Site"/"Options" tab (not accepted by...
Thanks , done. Why this config change cannot be done from "Apache Directives" in ISP (3.2) "Site"/"Options" tab ?
I did it ! In doing following changes in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.conf SetEnvIf Remote_Addr...
Thanks for the suggestion. It donot resolve the issue. I also did it in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf without success... Which config should I modify...
Hello I am trying to configure Apache 2.4 (on Debian Buster ISPConfig 3.2.5) to log only the IP address even if dns hostname is resolved. I setup...
Separate names with a comma.