The manual says that it can break compatibility with "shadow" group of programs. No specified programs given....that's why I think it's risky, but...
Removed sshusers and did: #: usermod -g client2 dummyuser And it SUCCEEDED! In useradd's man - there's something like: MAX_MEMBERS_PER_GROUP...
The function works, but I figured out - the old one works too. I've been adding web sites as ONE client (so the group wasn't created - that's...
ad. 1. The system_group is set ad. 2. grpck shows something like that: 'www-data' is a member of the 'client1111' group in /etc/group but not...
Should I open another thread? If no, there's debug info (looks OK): XXX:~# cat /var/log/ispconfig/ispconfig.log 22.03.2010-15:24 - DEBUG - Set...
XXX:~# cat /etc/group | grep sshusers sshusers:x:5002:web2,web4,web5,web6,web7,web8,web9,web10,web11,web12,web13....lots of webXXXX,...
Sorry, forgot to include: XXX:~# grep sshusers /etc/group lots of webXXXX,web1096,web1097,web1098,web1099 No web1100! XXX:~# jobs...
I have the same problem. The case is: 1. Web sites are added (I guess properly) to web_domain table 2. system_user and system_group are set...
Separate names with a comma.