I had forgotten we changed to PHP 7.1.0 before we moved the server to a new IP address. I guess I had not run ISPConfig3 since updating to PHP...
This morning, it looks like I traced my problem to this bug report: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/issues/4425 The issue...
I tried that as well as other browsers that I had not used for ISPConfig before. They all have the exact same issues. Thanks, Kyle
Since moving to the new IP address, when you first log into ISPConfig with FireFox, it comes up with a blank, white screen. Click Reload, Resend,...
Yes /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 were modified to change the IP address of the server (CentOS). Do you...
I have an ISPConfig3 server and moved it to a new IP address. Its old address is now occupied by another server. All my sites run okay, but I...
I am very frustrated with ISPConfig3. While I like the test system once installed, I cannot get the real one to work in the very basic way...
I still need to use a remote SQL server with ISPconfig. Have the developers fixed this problem yet, perhaps in 3.1? Thanks, Kyle
Is there a work-around for this deficiency? Could we perhaps do this? install MySQL on the server Install ISPConfig3 Then point these files to...
If that is the case, why does the installer ask this: MySQL server hostname [localhost]: mirage5.mydomain.com If seems odd to ask for the server...
On a CentOS 6.6 install, I get the following error: ERROR: Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table. The MySQL server is separate from the...
Separate names with a comma.