Thanks for the info. Yeah, I don't see it used anywhere in the code, hence the question. 2 template files seem to make use the feature, but since...
I haven't found anything about this in the ISPC 3 docs, nor in the vlibTemplate docs. I might be looking at the wrong places, though. Since they...
OK, thanks, it seems to work. I de-flagged the slave server for the specific service, flagged the master, and made sure that no related plugins...
I see, thanks for checking. I will try that soon and come back with how it went.
I see. That's what I do now - use a master server (that also houses websites) and slaves for other functions. What I want to do instead, is use...
I'm in the process of reorganizing my ISPC cluster. I want to simplify a few things. Let's say that I want to add the possibility of managing...
I want to standardize on the upstream ISPC releases so I can install upgrades any time without merging code and taking care of a lot of things...
Thanks, as I noted, I'd only migrate the websites data along with the "metadata" of those and everything else. In that case, I'd first create a...
I've made some customization to an older ISPConfig 3.1.x release and a few modules that I don't want to maintain any more and want to upgrade to...
Sure, here you are: I thought I don't just create a PR without anyone reviewing the...
OK, I've pushed it to as I have no permission to push upstream. Added a small...
OK, should I just create a new dir in that repo and put files there?
Separate names with a comma.