It's great, i have missing an older vhost for this domain. Thank you, the subject it's resolved.
I remove hosqte in site-available and site enable. Restart is not ok oot@ns504755:/etc/apache2/sites-available# tail -f...
Hello, thank for your answer. I watch log error.log from apache. The issue seem link to a ssl. I have this error for a domain :...
Hello, my apache is down without action. ispconfig 3.2.5 debian 10 root@ns504755:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 start [....] Starting apache2 (via...
PhpMyAdmin has been instaler, i follow instruction install phpmyadmin on ispconfig....
Yes i have done --force
Hello, I have change version php, i use php 7.3. I have unistall all libapache2-mod-php7.* and i only reinstall libapache2-mod-php7.3. I have a...
Thank you, I go testing this instruction and make a feedback.
Hello, Taleman, Result for this answer 2: ##### SERVER ##### IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.*** [WARN] could not determine server's...
I have testing multiple tuto,, i have the same error.
Hello till, I have installed mod php with this command : But not resolve problem
hello, i use debian 10. Since install php8 and update last version ispconfig i have error 500 in phpmyadmin. I re configure default php by php...
I am indeed using ispconfig, I will compare between the 2 panels the php modules installed. For this site I am using php 5.6. On the 2 panels I...
Separate names with a comma.