Yes, thank you, you are correct. The error is on my side. For some reason the my monitoring hadn't noticed that the replication had stalled (some...
Server1 (id=1) has a mirror; Server2 (id=11). Since a month ago, or so, when I cleaned of old databases and dbusers I got two jobs stuck, and they...
It's still working on it, but the named.conf.local seems to grow steadily. Thank you for your quick help again.
I just noticed a strange problem as the second DNS didn't want to answers domains it was configured to serve. I noticed that it was only listening...
Thank you, I removed the rogue .unison.tmp-folder and tonight there was no disturbance anymore. :)
Server2 didn't have the folder /var/www/clients/client13/web25/lib/.unison.ssl.2a2ef8f072849a7d8cedf789b062f733.unison.tmp, only Server1....
It seems it has something to do witth a newly installed ssh jailkit user for a client and unison? I use unison to replicate between two servers in...
A few nights ago the folder /etc/ssl/certs started to get wiped out every night. Mail can't be sent and other problems occur. mail.log gets...
Yes, thank you. I did and everything else seems to work, except that /var/www/html is also in php5.6.
Thank you, it worked for phpmysql! I also had to enable a2enmod proxy_fcgi (a2enmod proxy was already) for it to work. What I still really don't...
apache restarted fine, but the phpmyadmin still shows php5.6. It looks like this now: cat /etc/apache2/conf-available/phpmyadmin.conf #...
Thank you. From the ispconfig panel it seems several old sites use fast cgi 5.6, but should I look for mod 5.6 and replace them before I attempt...
Separate names with a comma.