Thanks for the reply Falko. No there are no errors in the Apache error log to do at least with GeoIP. I had memory insufficient error which...
Hi, I setup GeoIP according to the howto given here: I have 2 issues which I'm assuming...
Basically a major headache but it's sorted now!
Ok I managed to fix the issue!! Problem was in named.conf I wasn't calling /etc/bind/named.conf.local so needed to use an include statement...
Originally the way I set it up was that the router had NS records for all local hosts. Therefore each host would resolve without a problem;...
Ok so perhaps I need to take this slowly! To start with I get an error of rndc when I try to use the reload command! rndc.conf ile is as...
Hi, basing my bind config on this howto: and this site:...
Thanks Falko for replying, I got into contact with Christoph Lukas who designed the script in the mean time who told me to re-install the OS from...
For this to work I need to re-run: export PATH=/opt/scalix/bin:$PATH ommakeom sxconfig --set -t general.usrl_cn_rule='G S' sxconfig --set...
Hi, I'm trying to get Scalix suite installed on Debian Etch, at the moment on a test box (my laptop) then my main server. I discovered this...
With my problem netstat -tap shows # netstat -tap Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address...
So sorry for the delay I just managed to sit down and try the chmod now! I had to use chmod -R 777 /var/run/clamav before anything would work....
Separate names with a comma.