Thanks pyte. It does seem unallocated with xvda5 (99.8G) used? root@mando:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT...
Thank you pyte, result below: root@mando:~# vgdisplay --- Volume group --- VG Name ultimate-vg System ID Format...
Thanks for the heads-up. It was 100% before, I have since deleted as much as I can, latest status: root@mando:~# df -h Filesystem...
Thank you pyte n Tailman. I am guessing you (Taleman) are Finnish...been there many times, a lovely place with wonderful people, I was part of...
Following a recent email error response to a send of insufficent disk space, I deleted some larger files to clear up some space. This got me back...
The nextcloud server does appear to be signing in, which is consistent with their manual, the nextcloud config file (attached) and the mail server...
That is a great question. The product I have Using is nextcloud. I am trying to troubleshoot as some users are not getting their password reset...
Thanks, these seems to work fine when composing a new email for a regular user emails. Unfortunately, when using a remote admin panel for a SaaS...
Hi, I need to keep copies of sent mails, particularly for email accts which are used by a remote SaaS server. I have tried the Send outgoing BCC,...
Hi, Not sure if this is a ispconfig problem, highly unlikely but I thought I would put it out there. When a user adds an email account on a...
Separate names with a comma.