That was exactly the case. Thanks a lot, updating them all right now. :)
This is what I get: 2010-07-24 12:13 Debug Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock 2010-07-24 12:13...
Is the mirror server option working? Also, can DNS be mirrored as in server2 becoming a secondary nameserver? See the attached screenshots for...
True but you, as an admin, should be able to rule over a clients' decision to activate a site. Disabling a site by an admin should rule over a...
Sorry, I meant for the above case where the user has its own created domain and I, as an admin want to disable it.
Indeed but then what is the best way to suspend a site for a given reason?
Would it be possible for the admin to deactivate a site and remove the possibility for the client to reactivate it back untill the admin choses to...
None at all. Fact is you can not have two default gw as the above setup configures the server. My question is, what routing options do I...
Both xx.xx.166.46 and xx.xx.74.34 are public. xx.xx.166.46's gateway xx.xx.166.42 is routed by xx.xx.74.33.
We have a DELL PowerEdge with two NICs. eth0 xx.xx.166.46 is an IP part of a class routed trough xx.xx.74.33 (a ZyXEL router). eth1...
And lets not forget Mailgraph.
vnStat + vnStat PHP
Separate names with a comma.