Mmm that's weird.. bc i have the standart installation, there is any place where i can see the logs for this and debug a little bit more ?
Hi till, great day for you.. do you have extra any idea ?
Same result there
The standart block is there, but the part that is supposed to be merged is missing.. I dont know if there is any logs where i can find more...
Hi till, thank you for your quick response, i appreciate that. Looking the nginx folder, i dont have any file with that extension. The version of...
Hi guys, im triying to use a nginx directive with the merge option (as the manual says) on a subdomain (vhost) and do not work.. for example:...
I have been testing the mailjet proposal (, and its working very well with same api keys and...
Hi @till, thanks for your answer, I really appreciate it. The problem that i have following your instructions is that: When i try to send an...
Hi, guys I need to implement a sender dependant relay map (per domain) Im following mailjet official guide...
All users were created in the same way. Sites -> shell users -> new shell users. All users were created under jailkit (I have the "none" option...
ok, there it is User: c1satis.jbcode cat /etc/passwd root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash c1satis.jbcode:x:5008:5005:::/bin/bash User:...
Yes, both accounts are on the same server and both are jailed users. It's weird, as I explained is a different behavior on the same server and...
Hi guys, I hope you are well. I would like to ask you about a problem that is not serious, but if I would like to know why it is happening. When...
Separate names with a comma.