Yes, the trick did it! Thanx edge!
But I have it? [IMG]
KK, done. So in hostname field i write A?
Error #1, done. Bur after cahanging something in dns manager it dissapers Error #2, how to do that? Thanx!
Amm, bt that ain't possible at the time... Otherwise i can not fix those 2 failed fields?
Hi, i just tested: What i wanna know is, how to fix those failed fields?...
O,, theres another problem. 2 dns records can NOT be deleted from rycle bin?i think that's why i can't create other site... why's that? and mail...
Nevermind, got everything working, thanx for all the help! edit: amm, hmm. there's one problem.. ispconfig created first domain normally and...
I'm sure i installed and configured everything as wriutten, becouse i checked twice... edit: Three times now.. But what is strange is that you...
Transaction Check Error: file /etc/named.conf from install of bind-9.3.2-12.FC5 conflicts with file from package caching-nameserver-7.3-5.FC5...
Ok, thanx! Will start that tomorow and hopelly everything will be fine in suterday.. Hope so :) Be sure i'll report to you :)
Ok, if I reinstall, is it possible to import data in ISP Config fast? Like Import Backup function? So after backup, all users will get their sites...
Ok, just 1 more question. Will bo all ok with ispconfig, if i remove bind and bind-chroot and install all again?
[IMG] which is the right one to use in bind? :S
Separate names with a comma.