Works like a charm Thanks!
I found out the issue, their was a double call to add the customer... Fixed but now I'm getting a DB error for a incorrect integer sys_userid...
I printed the full param list and checked it before posting this thread Nothing wrong with the params When I try to add the client from the panel...
Also if I try to manually add a customer with the same information from the panel and not using soap. Their is no problem....
This what I understood but the issue is there is no client and only one reseller and the customer number of the reseller is not the one I used...
Hello I'm trying to create a new client with soap remote user and I'm getting this error `customer_no_error_unique` There is no client and the...
Should I re-open a thread for the phpmyadmin error ? Still getting error 500 and no news entry on apache error.log (using tail -f) Thanks in advance
I did a `tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log` and then try to access /phpmyadmin , but there is no new entry.... here is last error logs [Fri Jan...
Dam sorry by mistake Thank you guys for your help :) whats about the error 500 for /phpmyadmin ?
No I did not changed the shell
Here is the output 07.01.2022-13:28 - DEBUG - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action...
Yes thats true... Here is the return of the server table colomn 'updated' MariaDB [dbispconfig]> SELECT updated FROM server; +---------+ |...
This one I just changed php 7.3 to 7.4 because its...
Yes its a single server (VM) Proxmox I'm getting 500 error on /phpmyadmin but in cli MariaDB [dbispconfig]> SELECT datalog_id FROM sys_datalog...
Separate names with a comma.