Thanks Till for your help. I tried to comment those lines and restart the service but problem persists. I rebooted the server but the same issue....
Thanks Till for your reply. I did php -q update.php but problem persists. The same error appeared and I am not able to send any mails. Also I...
Check Attached.
I can provide any other configuration files or logs if needed. Just let me know if there anything that would help here. This is a test environment...
[root@wessam ~]# which dovecot /usr/bin/which: no dovecot in...
I should have courier [root@wessam ~]# netstat -tap Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address...
Hi, I have new ISPconfig installed on Centos 6.2. I can't send any test mail and in maillog I can see below. Dec 18 00:55:17 wessam...
Many Thanks Till, I followed the link and It is working fine now. I was following Centos 6.2 instructions and it has some broken links...
Hi, I am new to this so excuse me for any dummy mistake :). I installed ISPconfig as mentioned in the link below....
I have the same problem and don't know what shall I do. I had a wordpress installed before ispconfig. I removed all its files but problem...
Separate names with a comma.