I upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid a while ago, now I cannot upgrade my ISPConfig system because of this bug with Ubuntu. ISPConfig requires the...
I have upgraded my system to Ubuntu 15 and tried to update ISPConfig using ispconfig_update.sh but at the the point where it asks for Mysql...
Yes hostname and hosts all seem correct, ispconfig is running on 8080. Very strange :confused:
There are no errors generated in the error.log Strange thing is that it just reloads the sign in page, without displaying any errors such as...
Thanks Till, I have removed and re-installed phpmyadmin and squirrelmail... now it all works fine. Only headache now is the password-change...
Thanks Till, I have tried using 4 diferent browsers, same problem. It's a brand new install, as per install howto.
(Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr)) ISPConfig I am keen to hear from anyone who can help with 2 issues I'm having. First let me say...
Yes that all works fine. As I mentioned I get the login page but cant login. When I try to login with 'admin' and my actual password it simply...
This is weird... My server is setup at perthsystem.com.au I also have numerous websites and users setup there. I can log into ISPConfig...
Thank you Till, Your help is appreciated :)
Thank you Till, What you say is very true, although my clients do not have ISPConfig or FTP access to their sites - nevertheless it is a...
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