I 'm using ispcofig as an internal mail server(local.myco.com) and wan to run another ispconfig as an external mail server (myco.com) on...
hi, the problem solved! there was a miconfiguration in apache (i removed roundcube vhost file) TNX
greate!,TNX BTW, is it possible to add only mail user! no site I click on mail icon but nothing happaned! I also create testi client/site but...
Hi my old firends, ;-) I want to use ispconfig3 as mail server. I try some other tools like zimbra,iredmail,... I need light tools with high...
Hi, I want to enable du option in ispconfig to get correct statictics of user mail directory. so I just changed the config.inc.php according to...
OK ... I 'll do with folko risk !!! ;-)
good, but many cms software need safe mode to be off !!! what should i do with this ?!!!
I'm using php-5.1.6-15.el5 on centos 5.2 and want to know if upgrading php to 5.1.6-23.2.el5_3 has any bad side effect. I don't have good...
I 'm looking for a good solution to prevent one of my customer to upload backdoors or some back php tools to hack other customer website ... !!!...
Separate names with a comma.