hello.. I have register domain in godaddy for my hosting..example i register bugshost.com, so i vae config my vps with ispconfig..are in vps i...
dear all.. I have installed ejabberd from Yum..but when i want to register new user there is error like this : # ejabberdctl register linux...
dear.. I have Configure Openvpn Base on http://www.thebakershome.net/?q=node/56 But i have some proble with my client, when one of my client...
Howto qmail + spamdyke + Clamav, It would be very useful.
Dear all... How to Configure Authentication Squid and Samba PDC, Can tell me...I have Configure Authentication Squid and PDC Windows...Are That...
dear... I have Installing and Configure VPN, Using Poptop....But that VPN Can't be connect...the error like this : Mar 3 11:17:15 vpn...
hai all... I have Problem when configuration, error like this : # ldapadd -x -D “cn=admin,dc=ngoprek,dc=com” -W -f...
yup Yes....my LDAP Server running on
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