...I have a webserver thats running FC4 and ispconfig. I know I have the capabilities to, but don't know how to send out a bulk email. by bulk...
...I am confused about dns. If I create a site, and check the DNS box...I am assuming that it creates the dns records. What I don't understand,...
my server is in a datacenter and I do have pulbic ip addresses. so my question now is, if I remove my router, reset my servers ip addresses to...
....is it recommended to use a router between the ispconfig server and the internet connection? currently, I have a router/firewall inbetween,...
that did it....thanks again Till.!!!
I have created a database on one of the sites on my ispconfig server that forms post data to. I would like to access my data via access link...
thanks a million Till....you've been a huge help throughout my entire project...and it is appreciated!!!:D
...Does anyone have a link for instructions on istalling and using PHPmyAdmin with ispconfig / FC4 ? Thanks much for any help.
...ya....I've probably tried a dozen or more scripts or so from there.
I have tried several php form mail scripts on my ispconfig server...I"m running fc4.....does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should use?...
Separate names with a comma.