Thank Falko, I already figured out.
Falko, I did follow that Link and did what it said and it did not work. You have any other Link or ideas? Thanks
Hello, I need help on how to set up a software RAID 1 on FreeBSD 6.2. Can you guys provide me step by step on how to config it. Thanks
Kickstart Server Can anyone tell me what do I need to setup a kickstart server in Linux.
Hello, I would like to see step by step how to setup a jump start server on a Linux.
This is what I have in /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf. So what do I need to do to setup this server to point it to local DNS. [root@test...
Now this is what I got when I restart named services. [root@test ~]# cp /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/sample/etc/named.root.hints /etc...
Here are the output..... [root@test ~]# updatedb [root@test ~]# locate named.root.hints /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/sample/etc/named.root.hints
I still got an error when I restart bind or named......Here is the error that spits out.... [root@test ~]# mkdir -p /var/named/chroot/etc...
Here is the output......... [root@test ~]# updatedb [root@test ~]# locate named.conf /etc/dbus-1/system.d/named.conf...
Centos 5 problem with starting named services failed Hello, Here is an error that I got when I try to start named services in Centos 5....
I was wondering if you can provide a step by step setting up a kickstart server. Thanks Ronnie
Separate names with a comma.