Thank you very much, that did it:D
here is the results of ls -la /var/named/chroot/var/named: [root@drachir ~]# ls -la /var/named/chroot/var/named/ total 64 drwxr-x--- 6 root...
this is the content of named.conf: [root@drachir ~]# cat /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf options { pid-file...
Thanks, that worked just fine:D
(named is in a chroote'd envirement, wich means named.conf is located at /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf)
I am having the same problems, the fix in named.conf gets reverted after a few minutes
Thanks, that I read that link a little more carefully, and solved the directory problem, but a new problem arised: [root@drachir etc]#...
I dont know what have happend, but I can login to the ftp-server now Tanks for all the help:D (PS. the user web8_richard is set up as a site...
[root@drachir /]# grep web8_richard /etc/passwd web8_richard:x:10003:10008:Richard:/var/www/html/web8:/bin/bash (I can loggin via ssh with this...
I am running this one: ISPConfig-2.2.14.tar.gz btw, about the files not in the chroot does make sense, will it be secure if I add a symbolic link...
Hey, I followed it, and my config file match the config file on internett, the ftp server is runnning, but wont accept any users/pass'es...
Hello, I thought I got BIND to work, but it had stoped working again, here is what happens when I start it with /etc/init.d/named start...
Sorry for the slow replie, but here it is, everything is looking good to me atleast... any udea? [root@drachir ~]# netstat -tap | grep ftp tcp...
[SOLVED]Problems with a clean install and proftpd Hello, I am having some big problems with ProFTPd, I cant login to the ftp server nomatter what...
Separate names with a comma.