I'm rusty with setting up rspamd but last time I had to set it up it required redis but also i liked the admin module which displays stats and a...
Also, after my wonderful error i found out a spambot which guessed one of the email account passwords -_-'' On the bright side: always enable the...
I assume i must download the tarballl from ispconfig site to do that right?
The problem is it's not checking authenticated domain users and everything looks ok
I always add RBLs to my postfix configurations, just that. Everything else is done via additional configurations (spamassin rules)
And the update script told me it was sucessful but finished with a shell script error and it failed to properly reconfigure the services which I...
Turns out there was something really wrong with the base apache configuration files which were not loading the virtual hosts, also inherited...
I've never had to do that after upgrading a distribution, where i can find the script?
I've just upgraded from wheezy and it seems the virtual host is not working properly and the default virtual host returns a "forbidden" error
I missed that option, thank you Till, will try with a test domain
Separate servers
That's part of the original plan, but I still need to transfer mail account passwords to make it go smoothly. I can issue new passwords to ftp...
I need to move a domain from a ISPConfig to another, I've seen the web and mail directories so making tarballs of their /var/vmail/domainname and...
Separate names with a comma.