Gumpish - thanks for the correction, you are of course right.
chillispot Re monowall: The FAQ says "Retrieval means the variable is present and CAN be used, but there is no action bound to it yet." - I see...
Resolved?: No issue with on... In the end, there was no issue for the DNS at all. A bit of poking (and some recollection on my part)...
Dytech - can you tail -f the http log for that user... tail -f /home/www/web16/log/error.log ...and try and access the page. Post me the output...
Here are my modifications to the ISPconfig install source to enable you to install on RHEL 5. Add the following to mod_isp/dist.txt...
updated my installation... upgraded to ISPConfig Version: 2.2.13 and done some more basic checks.... In the interface... Management, Server,...
Can you cat /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf and snip out the bit for the website in question?
testset - I don't know... what version/flavor linux you running ISPconfig on? You said it was working... what has changed recently?
I've been poking this all afternoon and not got anywhere, so now comes the forum post. One of ISPconfig instances I run does not appear to be able...
amanda Check out amanda and zmanda using virtual tapes. I'm writing a HOWTO for amanda at present but otherwise the docs on amanda website and...
Hotwire - what are you trying to achieve and why? We use ISPconfig and OTRS but don't have any relationship between them.
Here is a post that might help... Hardship! ISPConfig works magic, making hosting click and done... still you might need to do a few things...
Resolved. I noticed that in my setup I'd got my IPs mixed up: hostname1 had the ip of hostname2 and vice versa. So I changed the URLs in the...
Separate names with a comma.