Looking into it, the issue was the line try_files $uri $uri/ =404; in the site .vhost file Solution was to change the NGINX directive within...
Alright, the Dev is fixated on the concept they need to change file permissions, so I’m stuck doing it myself. Files are uploaded. According to...
I followed your advice from here: https://forum.howtoforge.com/threads/nginx-vhost-lost-how-to-rebuild-via-ssh.91956/ Running it only for the...
in sites-enabled : 000-apps.vhost , 999-acme.vhost, default in sites-available : acme.vhost , apps.vhost , default
I restored from /var/backup, however the file date was from this morning - I have a feeling this was created after the fact. I now have...
I had my server configured following the perfect server guide for Ubuntu and NGINX her:...
Try apt install python3-certbot-apache
You can run certbot multiple times to setup for each domain, or if its multiple websites hosted through ISPConfig, you can just check the box to...
Yup I'm also assuming you have the correct ports open. Assuming (again) you followed the Perfect Server Setup, with ufw sudo ufw status verbose...
Update: I have reinstalled, everything is working as it should. I believe the source of my problems was in my haste I neglected to adjust the...
You shouldn't need to run the ISPConfig installer again -- just run certbot with the services disabled certbot --apache
sudo service httpd stop or sudo service apache2 stop
The challenge fails because the port is in use. You have to stop the service, issue the cert, then restart
This has caused more problems, as now the server will not start Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code....
Separate names with a comma.