Thanks ralic, following that guide got everything up and running easily. Cheers!
also found the answer to this my svn server is now (sort of) running. I am up to here: Then make an initial import of the...
ok here is a worse question, how do i find where apache is installed? ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/subversion --with-apxs={Location where...
ok forget that, got it. just wasnt configuring with the right location
ok another problem... following the install guide for subversion under the howto, but when i go to ./configure neon it tells me: error no xml...
thanks guys, but i had to rebuild the server. i did check the value of the pid file in the config file before i rebuilt and it was set as above,...
yes i have tried that
Hi, thanks, yes i have but with the same error messages as above.
There are lots of zipped up files in there, but nothing recent that indicates the current problem. The most common ones in there are these:...
richard@server:~$ sudo netstat -tap Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign...
Hi, I am having issues. I have an ubuntu 7.10 server which has subversion and bugzilla on it. Today I tried an svn update, but i get: svn:...
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