mysqlcheck -u root -p -A --auto-repair :) ;)
dovecot: auth-worker(2138): Error: mysql(localhost): Connect failed to database (dbispconfig): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket...
Mm .. everything, figured out, postfix restart helped, thanks for the help;):)
мм.. все, разобрался, postfix restart помог, спасибо за помощь :);)
No, I did not touch the configuration file
If you add an email to the "Send outgoing BCC to" field, when sending a message to this address, two identical letters arrive
I need to move the old directory "VMAIL" to a new server, can it hurt ISP ?
I understood what was the problem, when installing "RoundCube" I changed the way to the place "Alias /roundcube /var/lib/roundcube" I wrote "Alias...
HELP !!! What can I do, I can not work
Debian 9.0 does not work either:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Pff ... downloaded Debian Update 9: release 9.1, mail is not active:mad:
пфф... скачал Обновление Debian 9: выпуск 9.1, почта не активна :mad:
In any case, thank you for the ISP !!! It is visible that it is made by people with seriousness approaching to the work :)
Thank you, I realized where I was wrong, I think it's worthwhile to provide for such cases the conclusion of an informative window with a message,...
Maybe I can clean the base?
Separate names with a comma.