@till if you don't mind me asking, I have a similar problem as @asn, i have user chrooted to the clients/client1/web1 as home directory, in...
Hey guys, I have a new cronjob created, and it is in /etc/cron.d directory, it is a simple php script. Here is my ispc_web1 MAILTO=''...
Hi, I want to restrict site access using IP in my nginx and ISP Config 3.1, but when I enter it into vhost by hand, ISP Config overwrites it. Is...
Thanks, it worked like a charm :)
Hi, what about intermediate CA, what field does that belong to?
Yes, client requires thawte :(
Hello, Does anyone here have any experience with installing thawte certificate for the site on ISPConfig 3.1? If yes please can you describe in...
It maybe a problem, because IP is everywhere instead of the asterisk, but SSL problem is still here because it wont generate the SSL snippet in...
Hi, I have a problem with adding ISPConfig SSL certificate. Adding SSL cert. to website worked fine up until this morning when it suddenly...
Hi, thanks for the reply. I did it all over again without apache preinstalled and it worked. I don't really know what step I've skipped but on an...
Hi, After installing the ISPConfig by these steps...
Separate names with a comma.