The script doesn't mess up the system so much, the remove process it's quite easy and straightforward: Stop related services Remove the init.d...
There are any news about that, also, the issue is still open without response (
Don't know about the errors with "cron" or "plexmediaserver", seems that you have something wrong with your services.
This should no be necessary, because after first installation or upgrade, the fpm daemon is started or restarted. But you are free to manager the...
What happen if you run this command through the shell? source /etc/os-release && echo $VERSION Should print something like this: [IMG]
Got the first working version on Debian, Ubuntu and Centos. Test builds run on Travis: Build is...
Currently working on a new bash version with support for debian 8-9, ubuntu 16-17 and PHP 5.6-7.0-7.1-7.2. Stay tuned!;)
Which version of python are you using? Really weird, used under deb8 tons of times without problems.
Yeah, I need to test on debian stretch and find the packages are changed.
Yep, but simply overriding the docroot, it's the easiest way (if it works, obv) to expose only the frontcontroller. The fix it's quite easy, the...
Also, maybe @till can give a better explaination why FPM with mod_proxy_fcgi on stretch, breaks with symlink DocumentRoot.
No, the apache directives is in the right place, because apache last DocumentRoot directive override the previous one, in-fact, the new document...
But this is the wrong approch, a dirty workaround for hosting only on ispconfig o_O You can rename the folder...
I've fixed only using the absolute path to the docroot (/var/www/clients/clientX/webX/web/public). Using the redirect is not the right fix because...
I need to change the document root for frameworks such Laravel, Yii, etc. The /public must be the docroot for security purposes.
Separate names with a comma.