I changed my script to pool.ntp.org and now it is working fine. However how to I turn off autostart of ntpd so the script can run? Now I have...
My time zone is GMT+2
I created the script called ntpfix.sh with code: #!/bin/bash ntpdate ntp.xs4all.nl placed it in my /etc/cron.hourly Then...
Is there a reason to run it every 30mins? If I put it in /etc/cron.hourly and remove the counter it will run every hour right?
Using google I found that I need to save the script as text file and remove file extension. Then I need to put it in my server (I use WinSCP...
Are you sure it will work? Is a production server? BTW any help on installing that script?
I use Centos 5.1 it is not in your guide.
sorry if it sounds stupid but unless you can tell me where I need to put this file and how to make it run on schedule it makes no sense to me as...
In a typical setup one should update the system or not? I taught ISPconfig updates apache etc. so it should not be a security issue? or am I wrong?
How can schedule it to do the same? Perhaps it is possible within ISPconfig admin interface
see attached file
I'm running centos 5.1 My problem is that ntpd does not sync time. After I leave server running for a few days it starts to fall behind. IF I...
In configured ISPconfig system what is the right way to install updates? I was thinking to: 1. To update system run with root user yum...
Separate names with a comma.