Till Are you still with me Till? Its been awhile and the ns1 ns2 and others are not DNSing. seekanet.com resolves only because I pointed the...
ARecord Thank you. ns2 has been established in the DNS Zone. However, I am pretty sure this isnt' going to resolve the issue. Till :)
Yes Till, I have added a DNS Zone for seekanet.com. I can provide screenshots if you wish. (They are included) :)
Till root@seekanet:/etc/postfix# grep bind /var/log/syslog root@seekanet:/etc/postfix# grep named /var/log/syslog root@seekanet:/etc/postfix#...
tail -f /var/log/syslog Aug 28 23:15:05 Thank you again till. I don't see anything that references "named" or even "bind" in the log. I do know...
Thanks Thank you. I did that. seekanet.com still does not resolve when I dig it, and I'm not sure why but I added the DNS Zone in ISPCOnfig3....
Hi there. I'm new here but I had a question and in need of alot of help. I've installed ISPConfig3, and pre-req's using The PERFECT server with...
Separate names with a comma.