Are we eligible to get the 2.0.4 and 2.0.5 versions of the new billing module?? Im currently running ISPConfig 3.1.12 w/ Billing 2.0.2 Thanks.
Currently running ISPConfig with php5.5.9. Is there a documented procedure for upgrading the php to say 5.6.x without breaking...
Now in the middle of June 2015 and 3.1 hasnt been released or the new billing module. It was stated first part of 2015. So what is the new...
How is the beta going for the new Billing Module??
ISPConfig 3.1 Any update on ISPConfig it about to be released or are we waiting until after the new year???
Till, I PM´d you with a dump from the firewall.
bind log Ok the server has been rebooted. I dont know if my cellphone is getting a good connection but i dont see any logs for NAMED when i try...
Sure, Ill go ahead and start a reboot.
bind Till, The zone file is called pri.<domain>.com and it is included in the named.conf.local. ISPConfig, when i created the zone, named...
Till Sending another PM with the results of that. Thanks.
Bind Till, PM sent.
Till, Here ya go. ==================== options { directory "/var/cache/bind"; // forwarders { //; // };...
Bind Oh I forgot to mention....Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
Separate names with a comma.