Is there anyway I can make a Antivirus and Antispam email gateway? I want to redirect all the connection going to port 25 to that Antivirus...
i have created the user and password and enable all the checkbox. But I leave the IP field blank. I also put the same user/pass in the test.php
I dont have the old database;
it does not show any #
My ispconfig server 2.2.16 on Fedora 7 was crashed, I have re-inistalled the fedora7 on new HDD and install the ISPconfig server 2.2.16 and copy...
Thanks for your reply. I have installed the remote framkework and created one user, when I call the test.php it shows "script ends" . I using...
Is there any script to add user in ISPConfig from command line? I need a script to insert large number of user into the ISPconfig database. Remote...
there is no error in ispconfig.log file
I have reinstalled ISPconfig 2.2.16 on a corrupted ISPconfig. It is working now. But email user created in control panel is not working. they are...
I have found a problem with ISPconfig server. It has corrupted the /etc/passwd during the update process. It has happen several times, only...
Separate names with a comma.