If you mean like this: location /roundcube { root /var/lib/roundcube; index index.php index.html index.htm;...
Problem is that the LE certificates aren't recreated with that simple change, if I do what you said I get: 2020-02-12...
Yeah, I know that the LE is failing because the .well-known folder is not reachable. My question is how the nginx directive for accessing...
Eh? It says "Don't add", which means if it would be checked it wouldn't add the subdomain to the given LE cert, which is the opposite of my...
Hello, I've got a situation where I don't get the subdomain LE cert next to the domain one and I assume it's because of the webserver directive...
Managed to find the solution based on here:...
To dig out this old question, I'm looking for the same answer: how do I set an alias domain, so that the actual URL in the browser also gets...
Hello :)
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Separate names with a comma.