We run our own isp server, (ISPConfig based, of course) but rely on a couple of static dns servers for resolution. So all the zone and reverse ip...
Where the grrrrr hackers hide a mambo script Following the recent break in mentioned above, we went through the server with a fine tooth comb,...
The hardening saga goes on For others with this prob: first change all regular passwords(sysops, root, tech users etc) for properly encrypted...
Found out the real problem, help!! Till, I was misunderstanding my problem (no change there). The problem is in fact in my server config, and...
I must be thick, but I can't see how to get postfix to simply send an email with a header that ONLY mentions the virtual host as the source host...
it was me. as usual Tks Falko, and sorry to waste yr time. I left an "n" out of the smtp line and couldn't see it for looking! Regards, Ted
Yeh, I kinda figured that . . . Never an easy answer when you slack of on security. User had one catchall account with no spamassassin and no...
I have one vhost with compromised php file(s) that attempts ftp_scanner atacks on multiple other servers. I have capped the ports it uses, removed...
Greetings, I have a client with an website/email account on our server, but her adsl line provider is AOL. Her laptop, using Outlook Express...
Yup . Once again, Till! I owe you a truckload of beers!
Great stuff . . . but still not working Till, thanks for that really neat tip! However I spoke too soon. Although I can now ping etc, the vhosts...
Separate names with a comma.