yes. install php5 packages and not the php4.
what user/group have you define in the suexec paramter for this vhost? and who is the owner of the have you activate suexec for...
copy the last backup like Vhosts_ispconfig.conf_29-04-06_16-51-40 to Vhosts_ispconfig.conf then should ispconfig updating it
work any other perl scipts like a "hello world" script? if this you vhost config of ispconfig?: NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost...
yes, you need only suexec.
No PHPRC define the path to configurations like php.ini FastCgiServer is for an static starter and you can't define two FastCgiServer! for...
The FastCGIServer is php-fcgi. you define it dynamic for all vhosts. with execute php-fcgi in the php-starter-script and not with a static...
Have you the right sources in /etc/apt/sources.list But you can compile it by yourself with the .tar packages from
/usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r -a pam put this into you root shell. show then with ps aux | grep sasl if it run.
swap parition is for example 1-2gb big, which hdd you take is your individual decision. whatever you take, it is only the hdd place interesting....
this is different. if you have only /boot, swap and / paritions, then / must be bigger than extra partitions with /var, /home and /usr. more...
Hi! I build a new suexec, because it is easier to add a new web account in ispconfig. and it make it easier to edit the script as root. but you...
<VirtualHost 123.456.78.9:80> #SuexecUserGroup otrs_user otrs_group ServerName www.your_domain:80 ServerAdmin webmaster@your_domain...
I have update the howto, with a better solution. so you can can activate or disable it with the php button. Link to the current howto with the...
I have update the howto, with a better solution. so you can can activate or disable it with the php button.
Separate names with a comma.