Great, it's OK now. But the mail who are in /var/mail/ xxx stay in it or ISPConfig move it to /var/www/xxx/MailDir ?
I've a similar problem. On some account, the mail don't go to /var/www/webx/user/MailDir but in /var/mail/webx_user
I've modify phpMyAdmin for this. The package is here : phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-rc1.pkg Installation : 1) Delete the old PHPMyAdmin package on the...
Try to modify /var/www/sharedip/ by /srv/www/htdocs/sharedip and move the old foder to the new location.
Have you an .htaccess file in the directory ? What's your Apache's Default Root ?
Hello all, My supplier of dedicated server comes to anoncer me that he is going to change the IP of my server. What do I have to modify so that...
Happy to read that !! I am reassured :)
It appears that it's the same of the V2.x Is it right ?
Hy all, It seems good but what about the compatibility with current ISPconfig layout? For users how have partitionned with a big /var partition,...
When I try to access to the servername URL, I see a website of a customer. Servername : I see this web site :...
Good answer :D Thanks.
Ok, It's appears that sometimes, the empty co-domain wasn't created. Is it possible to re-create this automaticly or whe have to create co-domain...
Just a question : why when we add a website, the localhostname file contains only instead of ? Error when creating a...
Separate names with a comma.