Hello Till We can't find the problem for wich the mail quote is 0 on isp control panel. We can see in the cron.log file the following errors...
Yes. The path exists for every error message in the cron.log There are also several errors like this: find: `./system': Permission denied ¿Which...
Thanks Till, All files and folders are: drwx------ vmail vmail except: drwxr-xr-x 51 root root 4096 Jan 31 18:27 mailfilters
Hello, I've installed Ispconfig in Debian Squeeze I'm working on a new server rsynced from old one. In ispconfig interface I can...
Hello Till, thanks for you reply. - Do you use courier or dovecot on the server? -> Courier - Is the directory /var/vmail were the emails are...
Hello Falko, Something strange occurs. If we stop the /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh execution in crontab -e, the server works fine in...
Hello Falko, Thanks for your indications. Finally, after severals days monitoring, we have decided to migrate the mail service to another server....
I'm using raid1 with two Sata disks partitioned with ext3 Thank you.
Hello, I'm using ISPConfig3.0.4.5 with Debian. The server has 4Gb RAM with Xeon QuadCore. I always have a high load average over 2,00 with...
Thank's for the information Till, We're trying to enable the ispconfig webmail plugins following this instructions:...
Hello, We would like to know how can mailusers change their Auoresponse messages. ¿ Can they login as mailuser to system to edit it? We have...
Hello, Is possible to add more than one mail address in "send copy to" option? separated by comas does not work. Thank you.
Separate names with a comma.