To which addresses are you trying to send - as in provider ? Microsoft is known to be problematic. What is the full output of the log entry in...
Looking in the auth log file cat /var/log/ispconfig/auth.log | grep -i "failed login" Or to get a more specific output - username, ip, date, time...
An alternative is to use the APS installer that's now integrated in ISPConfig3.
Pro - design, combined functionality And by combined functionality i'm referring to everything required for an account (ftp, db, mail etc) in a...
Added a basic form and made a repo - .
Hey Ispconfig3 people, I really wanted an easy way to create everything associated with a web account in one go. That's basically everything...
Quick one-liner to get version number on the cli - can be added to an alias for faster accessing. cat...
I have stopped and disabled the clamav-daemon and clamav-freshclam services. The following commands have been used to stop and disable them from...
I ended up reverting the changes made by the DKIM patch to postfix, copying / to / It works now....
Thanks for the quick reply till! You are right, I did installed the DKIM patch ( and as I can see...
My goal was to disable amavis and clamav for lowering my RAM consumption. I've noticed this subject being covered in several forum posts and I've...
This has been previously discussed on the forum. Check out this backup script as well as the following topics...
Separate names with a comma.