Yes, though it didn't solve the original issue that occurred before my latest upgrade.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that today when I updated ispconfig to latest version, everything just suddenly started to work (without...
Trying to repair session table was among the first things I tried, but didn't work anyway. Still quite confused about the problem, but haven't...
Removed (commented out) session_set_save_handler() in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ and added a note to self so I don't forget why.
Tried different browsers, OS and networks. No difference (and it shouldn't as changing php handler for sessions made difference).
I kind of have given up after many hours of testing, comparing files, etc. My solution is now to go around the problem, by simple removing the...
This is an environment that has been up for a couple of years, currently consisting of (virtual machines) 1 web (14.04 LTS Ubuntu), 1 db (12.04...
Separate names with a comma.