My browser (IE7) is giving an error (time out) on the following image it's not really a big problem, but the pages do load slower because of this. The missing image is:
I've restarted the Apache, it works for now, but Till will look into this in the next days as he set up that system.
I think fixed it now. It was a quota problem on one of the servers. If this happens again, please notify me. Thanks, Till
I don't know if it is related to what egde says here about missing images, but the typo3 logo has also dissapeared within my howto here: Within the preview of the post the logo is there, which means that rhe link to my server is ok. However, when i submit the howto again (after preview) the TYPO3 logo is not shown. I have noticed that this occured for the first time after the redesign of the Howtoforge site some time ago.
It's that time again! The image ( ) is slowing things down at the moment! (00:59 hrs)
The IlohaMail logo at is not shown anymore too. Can this be fixed as well? (The link to the logo on my server is correct).
unable to load images Greetings! I'm trying to create a how-to, but I'm unable to upload images. One time I got an error about /tmp/tmp, but didn't copy it and it has not come back. Now, I am able to create the images, but no images show - just the broken link. I think it may be related to the issue discussed in this forum, disk quotas. Please let me know! Nick
I've just tested it, and it's working for me. Can you desbribe what exactly you did so that I can reproduce the problem? If you like, you can email your tutorial (incl. the screenshots) as a zip file to me: ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com
here is the error message I got: unable to open image ./tmp/tmpimg_3c265116c353841eb74401fe6ff2d5ce.jpg It looks like one of the images I uploaded is there. Can you see 02-InitialAdministrationPage2.jpg? I believe it is here: I see a broken image tag, what I assume is the alt text, image. I can see it when I go to
OK, I have added everything via the My Workspace interface. Oddly, I sometimes see the images and sometimes not. For instance, on page 2, the first image displayed after I manually inserted it via the "Click here to add images button", but then after I saved it, it disappeared. I am using Opera on F7. I have set it to check the proxy always for images, but that doesn't seem to affect it. I have also tried via Firefox. It appears that not all of my images uploaded successfully. I cannot see 04-TheCSR.jpg, for instance. However, i can see it's thumbnail . I have also zipped up the whole thing and emailed it to you, but got a message from my stmp server of a delay: Delay reason: host lookup did not complete I used ft at Let me know if you can make sense of this, or if you want screen shots, etc.
Please try again. Had some name server problems... (or better said, some providers don't update their DNS cache for weeks and don't care about TTLs... I did some DNS changes over three weeks ago - should've been time enough for the providers to update their caches). I think the problem with the image uploads right now is that runs on two nodes, and if the image is on the first node, it doesn'T get rsync'ed immediately to the second one. I'll have a look into it...
OK- I have resent. fwiw, I see as the ip for That makes sense about the nodes. So, possibly, just waiting for the next sync will fix it all automagically . Nick
That's the correct IP. Unless the images get uploaded to node2. Then they will be deleted on the next sync from node1... Will look into it.