Hey guys. So, I am trying to set up a webserver. The deadline is roughly June 15th, a week before my domain and host expire. So, heres the deal. I got everything set up. Everything works. Absolutely everything. Except on thing: My mom wants to play spider solitaire. She isn't happy with ANY of the other ones, and EVERY version (at least 20) isn't "exactly like the other one". I would be eternally (not rly) grateful if you would be able to get me a microsoft windows spider game that is almost exactly, if not exactly the same as the windows one. Including graphics, style, buttons, and such. Everything.
Have you tried to run the windows game on linux with "wine"? Solitaire is not a graphics intensive game and might work well with wine.
Please help me how to install thing in Wine. Do we need the .exe file? I want to install some popcap games, which beside the .exe files, there are some k*y gen file o, but can't help it, sorry). How can we manage this k*ygen stuff ?
Probably a bit late considering the date of the original post, but have you tried "spider" in the Aisle Riot solitaire game generally included with most distros? It's a pretty good match for Windows' spider solitaire. Jim Dishaw
you might have gotten them on the www.computergamecheats.us/home.html , it has got many xp games that are in an edited form
Sorry but lol! U installed a webserver and your mom wants to play solitaire? I dont get the link between them..
hey , nice mom and boy partner ship , you wanna make some tthing for the real by creating the webserver , and you momy wants to play solitarie , hey , it is tiem you both fethced individula pc !
knew I would find the one problem w/Linux Just didn't know we as Linux would look so golden. If that's the biggest problem we can find, damn, we look good when next to microsoft.