Dear Falko, Timme I need your help getting over this error: ./setup2: line 777: ispconfig_tmp/php/bin/php: No Such file or directory Job-working-directory: could not get current direc....... ERROR: The PHP binary coming with ispconfig does not work properly on your system. The installation routine stops here. I want to mention that i have installed ISPConfig on my PC and it works fine. Then i had the chance to try install it on ML370 G3 but failed. I installed the mysql header libraries, but i think i might have something else.! Please Help Tone
There must have been some other errors before the error you mentioned. Please post those error messages!
Thanks alot for the reply: There was lots of errors, but when i checked the log file for ispconfig, the only error i found at the button is what i have posted. I have deleted the directories to try reinstall again. Another question please: how can delete or check for the existanse of the ispconfig mysql database? thanks Tone
This is the second time and i get the same error.! I noticed the following error before the one i post: ERROR: could not make UUDeview Any help will be appreciated... Tone
I need the exact error messages that show up before this one! Have a look at this thread:
Dear Falko, The file attached is the end result of a failed ispconfig installation on my ML370 G3 (double Xeon 3.02GHz) server... thanks Tone
I even need the errors before these errors... Did you follow any of the "Perfect Setup" tutorials on HowtoForge?
Yes, I followed "Perfect setup on Mandriva/Mandrake 10.2 (although i have 10.1 official and it worked fine on PC) I'm configuring my server from terminal window (putty) and it comes so fast that the only section i can grab is what i have posted. Is there any other place other than log (ispconfig) i can find the errors before? thanks Tone
You can edit the script install_ispconfig/compile_aps/compile and redirect the output of all the configure and make commands into a text file. For example you can change the uudeview part like this: Code: cd ${UUDEVIEW} ./configure --prefix=/home/adm${APPLICATION_NAME}/${APPLICATION_NAME}/tools/uudeview || error "Could not configure UUDeview" [B][COLOR="Red"]>> /tmp/ispconfig_compile.log[/COLOR][/B] make || error "Could not make UUDeview" [B][COLOR="Red"]>> /tmp/ispconfig_compile.log[/COLOR][/B] make install || error "Could not install UUDeview"[B][COLOR="Red"] >> /tmp/ispconfig_compile.log[/COLOR][/B] So all output is written to /tmp/ispconfig_compile.log. You can check that file afterwards.