I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to running my own server, and I'm hear to learn so thats whay I have this newbish question. I have FC 5 up and running, the DNS's have been correctly set durring the installation, MySQL, Apache, PHP and ISPConfig is all installed and working properly. I have a domain registered with GoDaddy that I would like to dirrect to this new server I've thrown up. Now my question is, do I need t edit my name servers in my GoDaddy Domain control pannel, or my Domain Hosts?
I understand that part, my question is which one do I point at my server? the Name Server or the Domain Host?
If you only want websites, you will need to change the IP in the A host. I'm not with GoDaddy, but there should be something like: Code: Host Points To TTL @ some.ip.nr 3600 Using a @ will automatically insert your domain name as host name for the A record. If you only want www.yourdomain.com (and not something.yourdomain.com) than you can replace the @ for www Code: Host Points To TTL www some.ip.nr 3600 You will need to change the some.ip.nr to your IP. If you run your own DNS, that this is not needed
So if I understand you correctly, I dont need to change the A Host records. When I installed FC 5 and set it up to be a server (using the perfect setup how to here on howtofordge.com) a DNS server was installed. How do i configure that? I want to run more then just web sites, I would like to run an email server as well (which is alslo installed). How do I configure the DNS server on my server is what I'm getting at?
Don't change the name servers, just change the IP addresses the hosts are pointing to (the A records). You don't need that DNS server if you're using GoDaddy's DNS servers for your domains. Otherwise you'd do it like this: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6292&postcount=4