How can I change it? I lost June, I can only see stats por Jul today... I need to keep and show always the 6 last month, where can I set it? Thanks in advance
I can't make it show more than the current month... I added AllowFullYearView=3 in domain conf file, but it was replaced by ispconfig... I will check if something happens tonight modifing it in awstats.conf.
I was testing this solution: 1. Enable CGI 2. create symlink in your stats folder to /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ 3. Visit http://your-domain/stats/
Didn't work, I get access to download as a file (I set site to use CGI instead Fast-CGI+SuEXEC, same happens) I think that CGI will use proc time is a user request statistics accessing I think that the solution could be to keep the old statistics generated in every month change, and give access to them. Till, could this be a possible feature to add? or it is already implemented and it is not working for me? statistics for just current month is not what users want I think, they want to see historic data.
As far as I know, keeping statistics for older months should work in ISPConfig There was a bug in a older version which has been fixed. Or do you use a version from SVN, so the version number displayed might be incorrect?
Nop, I am using the last version of ispconfig. Downloaded from: wget Almost 40 days ago in a clean Debian install. Is is only calculating current month, older files are being deleted. Is there a way to check the code?
Are awstats working for someone showing more than current month? I have historic month bw use, but I can't see stats for older months (day by day, links, etc.) Please help! my clients hates webalizer xD
Till, is there something I can check for this? do I have to update/reinstall? could you help me please? I will be opening to public July 18, and I really want to offer this statistics =) Thank you, and sorry for bother you
Take a look at the script /usr/local/ispconfig/server/cron_daily.php, ist contains a section for creating the awstats statistics. You can use the shell commands executed there to try to find out why the stats show only one month.
Till, I didn't find any problem with the script. It just make statistics for the current month, but usage from previous months is show correctly: Mes Visitantes distintos Número de visitas Páginas Solicitudes Tráfico Ene 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Mar 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Abr 2011 0 0 0 0 0 May 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 2011 1114 1305 9518 143449 1.91 GB Jul 2011 469 543 3118 63036 942.04 MB Ago 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Sep 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Oct 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Nov 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Dic 2011 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1583 1848 12636 206485 2.83 GB But, It would be great to access previous months to see traffic per day for example... I am working with the code right now, I will check if "today" is the first day of the month, and calculate BEFORE final statistics (cron_daily.php) the usage of the last day of the previous month... after this, I will COPY all stats files to a folder named [YEAR]-[MONTH] inside /stats. Next, statistics will be calculated as always, but I will dinamically add links (maybe a combo?) to the index of the stats... so... with this, anyone can access previous month data... Directory tree (it should be like this after a few months running) Code: --/site ----/stats ----/2011-05 ---- index.html ---- files.of.awstats ----/2011-06 ---- index.html ---- files.of.awstats ---- index.html (current month) ---- files.of.awstats (current month) If someone has a better idea, please post... As I could understand, ISPConfig calculate only day stats, adding it existing statistics... is this correct? Thanks in advance
Till, as I could see, last day bug was resolved for ISPConfig 2, not 3... If this is true, the solution should be easy to implement (-year= -month= parameters must be added to the command)