Hi, CentOS 7 has been released about a month ago, something I (and I assume many other fellow CentOS users) have been quite excited about. I'm very keen to upgrade my servers, but unfortunately CentOS 7 isn't supported by ISPConfig yet. Therefore I'm wondering if support is coming for CentOS 7. Are there currently any plans to support it?
The problem here is the epel repo for centos 7 and not ispconfig. Epel is still in beta and some required packages like pure_ftpd are still not available for Centos 7 and a update maes no sense when you wont be able to use large parts of your server afterwards anymore like no ftp logins.
How silly of me to forget about Epel (perhaps I was a bit too excited), haha. Alright, thank you for the quick reply till.
I understand that Pure-FTPD is a major reason to have a running ISPConfig server, but what else is necessarily required from EPEL to run ISPConfig under CentOS 7, or to have the "initiate" reason to start developing on the compat for it? If I am not wrong, then Pure-FTPD (I guess also ISPConfig) does probably just need systemd support, or am I wrong? ProFTPD btw does already exist in EPEL 7, just as a hint, because there is also already an opened feature-ticket on the bugtracker for ProFTPD.
Most likely there has nothing to be changed in ispconfig to support Centos 7, it will just work out of the box. But we cant test this until all required packages are available. pure-ftpd works in latest ubuntu, debian (inkl. testing) and opensuse, so there is no technical reason that pure-ftpd is not available yet in epel. Epel is still beta and I guess the maintainers have not build the package yet,
Oh nice, finally they did it Off course just after I finished my draft for the centos perfect server guide that include compile instructions for pure-ftpd. Thanks for the notice.
I have given up Centos and Scientific Linux altogether. Because.... We can have Oracle Linux for free including security updates: http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/linux/product/overview/index.html
The tutorial has been published today: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-s...l-php-pureftpd-postfix-dovecot-and-ispconfig3
The nginx guide is available now: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-7-x86_64-nginx-dovecot-ispconfig-3