Hi i just got my self a new server that i want to setup with ispconfig 3. i want ubuntu 12.04 becurs of the nativ php 5.3 i want to have Virtualization support so i can create vps. also this shuld be the main server and then i will add my old servers to ispconfiig when it is up and running how shuld i start? i dont think there is a perfect server guide for that or did i miss it on google? thanks EDIT: So i found the guide for debian 6 shul i consider moving to debian 6 instead of ubuntu 12? what are the pros and cons?
this dos not cover the Openvz part ) the only guide i found is for debian 6 it shuld be almost the same but there is some difrence and one user said it dit not work on ubuntu.
You can not use a server for webhosting and openvz at the same time as openvz and linux filesystem quota do not work together (you cant start a vm if you installed quota). So if you want to use openvz, then you have to install a openvz host server as described in the debian guide and then create a openvz vm were you install a ispconfig slave system inside and use this vm to host the websites.
Hi so i tested it and it workd but i desided to go anotter way. i have proxmox on dedi. and createt 2 vps for ispconfig. the reson for this was no ipv6 support for vm in ispconfig