Mailman and Postfix sync

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by Cypouz, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Cypouz

    Cypouz New Member

    System: ISPConfig with Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 "Wheezy".
    Mailman and Postfix don't seem to be well synced. Simply adding a mailing-list in ISPConfig isn't enough to work (no any virtual user created). In addition, deleting a mailing-list in ISPConfig doesn't sync /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman and /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please upate to latest ispconfig ( and tst again.
  3. Cypouz

    Cypouz New Member

    Hum, OK, it works :) Sorry for the noise.
    But one more thing: ISPConfig allows creating mailing-list with special characters in name, which are not really created by Mailman because of these special characters. ISPConfig would prevent or alert the user completing this field.
  4. Cypouz

    Cypouz New Member

    After several tests, I'm not sure that Mailman is well integrated with ISPConfig. I have to manually operate genaliases and postmap.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Both cmmands are run by ispconfig automatically. Did you choose to reconfigre services during update, maybe your config is outdated?
  6. Cypouz

    Cypouz New Member

    It's effectively possible that my config is outdated. It's not so easy because of many customization in config files. If I reconfigure services, I will have to check all config files in order to reapply modifications (hoping to forget any). I prefer handle with care on a production server...
    There is good practice about config files modification? Any way to don't lose customization?

    Concerning Mailman in ISPConfig, is it possible to specify a different URL_HOST? ISPConfig apply by default the chosen domain name but it's not necessarily a good thing relatively to Apache URL rewriting. I would prefer to centralize lists web-pages on a unique domain, keeping ability to create multi-domains mailing-lists (as in command line). Is it possible to add a field for URL_HOST in ISPConfig?

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