After accepting the "not signed ssl warning" it works What should I do now since the ssl bundle field is not filled
After accepting the error message worked. So how to sign the ssl csr and what is next step?
Hi, I just tried the same for my SSL at They gave me the same files for the SSL! AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt USERTrustRSACertificationAuthority.crt USERTrustRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt SERVER1.example.EU.crt Are the SSL certficates different per country and extension or can I use a self signed one as well?? They were the only ones I could find offering .AI extensions, but I have never used an .ai domain before, I want to use for it a website about Artificial Intelligence haha (AI I know, cheesy!! haha). Didn't know it was for the country of Anguilla but was surprised i didn't need to be an Anguillan citizen to get it.
Let's Encrypt gives certificate for any top level domain. That web server does not have any certificate now. I don't know about country, I have not used certificate authority that would not issue certificate for my top level domain. Self signed certificates do not have trust, so the other end may not accept the certificate, and if you go to website using such certificate you have to accept exception to get your browser to go there.