Hi When create a new mailbox, ispconfig send email from From: ISPConfig <postmaster@localhost.localdomain> Reply-To: ISPConfig <postmaster@localhost.localdomain> Where a i can set this to have From: ISPConfig <postmaster@mydomain> Reply-To: ISPConfig <postmaster@mydomain> Thank you
Another few little questions (dummy question for sure) : what is the diference between email alias and email forward? What is utility of email catchall ? When i enable it, all typo email are not return to sender so sender couldn't see that he has wrong address. Thank you
I have the same issue and I am setup as multiserver. In the main cp (which is a separate server) I have the System/Interface/Main Config and for the Mail tab I have a valid email address for admin, but it always sends new emails as: From: ISPConfig <postmaster@localhost.localdomain >
Another issue... I cannot change server in spamfilter user... Multiserver setup... master CP and a mail server.. spamfilter server is alway master server not the mail server
The server for a spam-filter is always the server for the mail-domain. Why do you wan´t to change the spamfilter-server only?
Sure... But my mail server is v04.mydomain and not master.mydomain ! In SpamFilter -> User / Domain, the server is set to master.mydomain and connot be change to v04.mydomain (which is my mail server). master.mydomain is not a mail server. Filters in SpamFilter are set (not sure of that) when I create mailbox and use option to set level of spam... I dont understand why server in SpamFilter->User/Domain is not set to n04.mydomain and why it's cannot be change.
QuetzalFirst That doesn't look right. I have separate cp, mail servers, and websites and the Email / Spamfilter / user/domain has the coprrect mail server for each user and I have more then 1 mail server. Are you using a Debian environment or something else? Just wondering as majority of the problems in these forums seems to be ISPConfig in a non Debian or Ubuntu environment or Nginx problems.
Check the email domain in the ispconfig mail module, probably it is set to the master server and not the mail server. These records get generated automatically by the system based on the spamfilter selection that you make in a mail domain or mailbox. the server is the one where the mail domain resides. You can not alter that server manually as it would mean to move a mail domain with all mailboxes to another server. If you have created this record manually, then you can delete it off course and recreate it, but do not delete any records that were created automativ´cally by the system as your spamfilter will fail then.
Did you change something direct in the database? Please check ther server_id in spamfilter_users and in mail_user. If you change a entry in the mailfilter, the server_id is set to server_id for the domain (see #9 and #12).
Thank you! This is the misconfiguration... Relate to my mail server swicth at the early stage of my configuration!
Suggestion : In a view, if we can't change a setting don't put it in a combobox field but in a label field... This avoid confusion...